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Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2008 | Viability of increasing the tariff of freshwater for irrigation as a tool to stimulate wastewater reuse in the MENA region. | Abu-Madi, Maher ; Alaerts, Guy ; Braadbaart, O. ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
By type
- 6390 Publications
- 860 Theses
- 140 journals
- 42 events
- 39 Organizations
- 30 Researcher profiles
- 27 Conference Materials
- 13 Fundings
- 4 Datasets
- 1 Irrigation - Economic aspects - M...
- 1 Irrigation - Economic aspects - N...
- 1 Wastewater - Middle East
- 1 Wastewater - North Africa
- 1 Water reuse - Economic aspects - ...
- 1 Water reuse - Economic aspects - ...
- 1 Water-supply - Economic aspects -...
- 1 Water-supply - Economic aspects -...
- 1 Water-supply - Management - Middl...
- 1 Water-supply - Management - North...
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Date issued
- 1 2008
- 1 Article