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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12007Collective Identity and Readiness for Social Relations with Jews among Palestinian Arab Students at the David Yellin Teacher Training College in IsraelDiab, Khansa; Miari, Mahmoud
22015Phase behavior of bicontinuous and water/diesel fuel microemulsions using nonionic surfactants combined with hydrophilic alcohol ethoxylatesKaraeen, Mohammad; Kyali, Ibrahim; Qamhieh, Khawla; Wadaah, Salam; Ahmad, Wisam; Olsson, Ulf
31987Community Health Unit Review: A Review of Health Standards and Services in the West Bank and Gaza StripBirzeit University. Institute of Community and Public Health
42015Nurses' Perceptions about Child AbuseAlrimawi, Intima'; Rajeh Saifan, Ahmad; Bashayreh, Ibraheem
51939مصطفى كامل : باعث الحركة الوطنيةالرافعي، عبدالرحمن، 1889-1966
62017هوية الفرد الدينية و بطاقة هويته الشخصيةمجدوبة، سجى
7Jan-2007الدلائل الإرشادية لمتطلبات السباحة الآمنة في أحواض السباحة وشواطئ الاستحمامالخطيب، عصام أحمد
82002Life and Health during the Israeli Invasion of the West Bank: the town of TulkaremGiacaman, Rita
91900الدنيا في باريس ، أو ، أيامي الثالثة في أوروبازكي، أحمد، 1867-1934
102004Perpetual emergency : the persistence of poverty and vulnerability among Palestinian camp populations in Jordan, Lebanon and the West Bank and GazaJohnson, Penny