Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Advancing membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reclamation in selected Arab MENA countries | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Sayadi, Sami ; Ghata, Adnan ; Abdel-Shafy, Hussein ; Schories, Gerhard ; Oropeza, Marisol ; Lorenzo, Antonia ; Drioli, Enrico |
2009 | Advancing membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and reclamation in selected Arab MENA countries | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Sayadi, Sami ; Ghata, Adnan ; Abdel-Shafy, Hussein ; Schories, Gerthad |
3-Mar-2019 | Assessment of wastewater treatment technologies and promotion of smart irrigation systems in the MENA Region using an eco-friendly gum | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
31-Aug-2009 | Challenges of transbounday wastewater from Palestinian communities along the Green Line. | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Al-Hindi, Ahmad |
2000 | Comparison between algae-based and duckweed-based wastewater treatment: differences in environmental conditions and nitrogen transformations | Zimmo, Omar Rabah ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Gijzen, Huub |
4-May-2008 | Current status of R&D in membrane technologies for wastewater treatment in selected Arab MENA countries | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Sayadi, Sami ; Ghata, Adnan ; Abdel-Shafy, Hussein ; Schories, Gehrhardt ; Oropeza, Maria ; Lorenzo, Anton ; Drioli, Enrico |
29-Apr-2019 | Evaluation of advanced chemical oxidation process for the pretreatment of mixed agro-food industrial Wastewaters in Nablus, Palestine | Younis, Saja ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
29-Apr-2019 | Evaluation of biosolids stabilization degree on four different wastewater treatment plants destined for agricultural utilization in Palestine | Hijawi, Maisa ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
22-Feb-2015 | An innovative bioreactor for denitrification of nitrate-rich brackish groundwater using whey | Abdo, Emil G. ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
2011 | A national survey on the use of agricultural pesticides in Palestine. | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Ramlawi, Asa‵d ; Salah, Amjad |
2012 | Performance evaluation of a full-Scale extended aeration system in Al-Bireh City, Palestine | Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
25-Mar-2019 | Pre-treatment of mixed agro-food industrial wastewaters using advanced chemical oxidation process | Younis, Saja ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
2002 | Process performance assessment of algae-based and duckweed-based wastewater treatment systems | Zimmo, Omar Rabah ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Van Der Steen, Peter ; Gijzen, Huub J. |
25-Mar-2019 | Restoration of Wadi Zaimer using a pilot instream phytoremediation system for the reduction of industrial pollution loads from Nablus West, Palestine | Attili, Odai ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |
2003 | Sewage characterisation as a tool for the application of anaerobic treatment in Palestine | Mahmoud, Nidal ; Amarneh, Mohammad Naser ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed ; Zeeman, Grietje ; Gijzen, Huub ; Lettinga, Gatze |
2008 | Viability of increasing the tariff of freshwater for irrigation as a tool to stimulate wastewater reuse in the MENA region. | Abu-Madi, Maher ; Alaerts, Guy ; Braadbaart, O. ; Al-Sa'ed, Rashed |